A Collection of Free Resources including a series of Introductory videos on Focusing and a conversation with Lynn Preston.
Charlotte Howorth LCSW
Focusing In Troubled Times

Mini Video Series

Over a series of 5-10 minute videos Charlotte explains and offers some experience of uses of focusing in challenging periods..

"I work from a view that people are naturally creative, resourceful and can find their own answers to moving forward. In addition to decades of work as a psychotherapist, my experience in organizational behavior and comprehensive psychological training, a psychotherapeutic philosophy and practice called Focusing informs much of my approach to coaching. It gives structure and depth to what is sensed just below the surface in order to find the clarity to move forward."

Why Focusing Training with Charlotte?

Focusing for Professional Development 

Charlotte has a wealth of experience as a Focusing teacher as well as being a Focusing oriented therapist herself for 27 years. 
She led the The International Focusing Institute's certification course for over 12 years when they offered that program. Mary Hendricks, Eugene Gendlin’s wife, director of The International Focusing Institute, and former teacher of TFI’s certification course, handed the role of teaching and responsibility for certifying Focusing professionals for the Institute to Charlotte during that time.

Focusing for
Personal Development

Charlotte teaches introductory and certification courses in Focusing, workshops in Focusing Orientated Relational Psychotherapy (FOT), has traveled the world giving Focusing workshops, as well as running supervision groups in this modality for psychotherapists, coaches, and other mental health professionals.
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